5 Steps to Make Interesting Short Video Whiteboard Videos

Short Video Whiteboard Videos – Creating short video whiteboard videos is a cool way to break down tricky stuff, tell awesome stories, or shout out your stuff. It’s all about using simple drawings and animations on a plain white background to grab your peeps’ attention and make your point stick.

Short Video Whiteboard Videos

So, how do you whip up a short, snappy, and kick-butt whiteboard video? We’ve got you covered with these 5 steps to slam dunk your own in a jiffy.

Step 1 to make Short Video Whiteboard Videos: Get Your Video Game Plan On

First things first to make Short Video Whiteboard Videos, map out your video. Define what you’re aiming for, lock in your audience, and sketch out your content. You’ve gotta be crystal clear on your video’s mission, who it’s for, and what the scoop is.

Ask yourself stuff like:

  • Why are you making this video? To teach, entertain, or convince?
  • Who’s your dream audience? What’s their age, what makes them tick, what they do, and where they at?
  • What’s the big message you’re dropping?
  • What are the main juice points backing up your message?
  • How are you gonna wrap it up? Call to action or a quick rundown?

Also read: 7 Easy Steps to Make an Awesome Short Stop Motion Video

Step 2 to make Short Video Whiteboard Videos: Sketch Out Your Ideas

Short Video Whiteboard Videos

Alright, now let’s dive into the next move – sketching out your ideas. No fancy talk, just grab a pen and paper, a whiteboard, or hit up a digital tool like Storyboarder. You don’t need to be the next Picasso; just throw down some basic shapes and symbols to rep your elements.

Here’s the lowdown on making killer storyboards:

  • One frame per scene or action, keep it simple.
  • Label each frame with a quick description, voiceover script, and how long it’s gonna last.
  • Toss in arrows or numbers to show what goes down and in what order.
  • Mix it up with colors or styles so your characters, objects, and backgrounds stand out.
  • Keep it plain, clear, and on point.

Step 3: Lay Down Your Voice

Now, onto the third leg – laying down your voice. This is the talky part that goes along with your visuals and guides your audience through the gig. Keep it crystal, keep it short, keep it interesting.

To record that voice, grab a mic, hit up software like Audacity, or check out an online service like VoiceBunny. Or, if you’re feeling swanky, hire a voice actor to do the jabber for you.

Here’s the rundown for spitting a solid voiceover:

  • Script it to match your storyboards and vibe.
  • Run through that script a few times before you hit record.
  • Speak up, get pumped, throw in some feelings.
  • Use pauses, mix up your tone, and stress those key points.
  • And for the love of video gods, keep it quiet – no weird noises, echoes, or pops.

Step 4: Pick Your Short Video Whiteboard Videos Tool

Now, let’s dive into step number four – choosing a whiteboard animation tool to jazz up your video. This tool is like your video sidekick, making it a breeze to whip up and tweak your whiteboard videos. It usually comes packed with nifty features like:

  • A stash of images, icons, characters, and backgrounds
  • A timeline for sorting out your scenes and slick transitions
  • A doodle tool for crafting your own graphics
  • A recording gadget for layering on that smooth voiceover
  • A playlist of tunes and sound effects to spice up your audio game
  • An export and share button to snag or sling your video

Now, the market’s flooded with options – there’s [VideoScribe], [Doodly], or [Powtoon], just to name a few. Go ahead and snag the one that vibes with your needs, wallet, and tastes.

Also read: Short Videos: How to Create and Enjoy Them

Step 5: Make Your Video Bust a Move

Roll up your sleeves because step five is where the real action happens – time to animate that video using your chosen software. This is where you breathe life into those storyboards and voiceovers, turning them into a dynamic duo of motion and sound. Scope out the guides and tutorials that come with your software to get the hang of it.

Here are some slick tips for whipping up a killer whiteboard video:

  • Get fancy with a hand cursor for that draw-on effect
  • Tweak the speed and timing of your animations to sync up with your voiceover
  • Throw in some zoom, pan, and fade effects for snazzy transitions
  • Toss in some beats and sound effects for mood and vibe
  • Give your video a once-over, make tweaks as needed, and you’re golden!


Short Video Whiteboard Videos pack a punch when it comes to getting your point across. Whether you’re sharing ideas, telling stories, or pitching offers, these videos are the way to go. They up your engagement, retention, and conversion game.

Here’s the lowdown on whipping up a Short Video Whiteboard Videos:

  • Plan your video
  • Sketch out your story
  • Lay down your voiceover
  • Pick a whiteboard animation tool
  • Bring your video to life with some animation magic

Stick to these steps, and you’ll have your very own Short Video Whiteboard Videos in no time, with minimal sweat and tears. Put them to work on your YouTube digs, toss them into your online course, slap them on your website, share them on social media—whatever floats your boat.

No need to drag your feet. Dive into creating your Short Video Whiteboard Videos today and watch the results roll in!


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