How to Make Short Video Art Tutorials in 5 Easy Steps

Creating short video art tutorials is a cool way to flex your skills, flaunt your creations, and reel in more followers or customers. But how do you whip up a snappy and captivating video that grabs your audience’s eyeballs and drops some knowledge on them? Here’s the lowdown in five simple steps to get you cranking out your own video art tutorials.

Short Video Art Tutorials

Step 1: Map Out Your Short Video Art Tutorials

Before you hit record, get your thoughts straight on what you’re gonna teach and how you’re gonna serve it up. Think about these:

  • What’s the main deal or goal of your tutorial?
  • Who’s your crowd, and what’s their skill level?
  • What are the key points or steps you wanna drop?
  • How long should your video be, and how much time can you spare to film it?
  • What tools or gear are you gonna need?

Jot down your answers and use them as your roadmap. You can also draft a script or outline to keep things on track and avoid going off on tangents.

Also read: Short Videos: How to Create and Enjoy Them Continue reading →