7 Tips for Making Great Short Video Explainer Videos Easily

Short Video Explainer Videos, or those quick clips that break down a product, service, or idea, are the go-to for businesses and groups looking to get their point across in a snappy and engaging way. These bite-sized explainers pack a punch in marketing, but nailing them requires some thoughtful game planning. Check out these seven tips to whip up short video explainer videos that grab attention and get the job done.

Short Video Explainer Videos

1. Know Your Mission and Audience for your Short Video Explainer Videos

Before you dive into creating your short video explainer videos, figure out your end goal and who you’re talking to. What’s the key message or perk you’re pushing? What puzzle are you solving or itch are you scratching? Pin down your dream customers or users. What bugs them, what gets them moving, and what floats their boat? The clearer you are on your mission and audience, the easier it is to make a video that clicks with your target market.

Also read: Short Videos: How to Create and Enjoy Them Continue reading →