How to Make Short Video Music Tutorials in 5 Easy Steps

Short Video Music Tutorials – Music rocks, right? It’s like this language everyone vibes with no matter who you are. If you’re all about music and want to drop some knowledge bombs on others, making short video music tutorials is where it’s at. Forget about needing fancy gear or video editing skills – you can whip up cool and helpful videos that flaunt your musical skills without breaking the bank. Check out how to do it in five simple steps.

Short Video Music Tutorials

5 Easy Steps to Make Short Video Music Tutorials

Step 1: Pick Your Jam and Style for your Video Music Tutorials

First things first – what’s your music tutorial gonna be about? Are you teaching how to shred on an instrument, belt out a killer song, or cook up a sweet beat? Figure that out, then think about how hard or easy you want it to be. And don’t forget the vibes – what style and tone are you going for? Nail down these deets before you hit record. Continue reading →