7 Short Video Parenting Tips to Make You a Better Parent

Short Video Parenting Tips – Parenting can be tough, especially nowadays when juggling work, family, and personal life is a constant challenge. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed and wonder if you’re doing a good job as a parent.

Short Video Parenting Tips

The good news is that there are plenty of resources to help you up your parenting game and become a calmer, more positive, and effective parent. One great way to pick up new tips and ideas is by checking out short videos. These videos provide practical and inspirational advice from experts and other parents.

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Here, we’ve gathered 7 short video parenting tips that can make you a better parent. They cover essential topics like communication, discipline, structure, rules, and more. Plus, each video is less than 20 minutes long, making it easy for you to watch whenever you find a little free time. You’ll also find the video links at the end of each section. So, let’s dive into these Short Video Parenting Tips!

1. Short Video Parenting Tips – Communicating with Your Child

Effective communication plays a crucial role in fostering a strong and positive connection with your child. It goes beyond just talking—it involves listening, observing, and understanding your child’s emotions, thoughts, and needs. Here are some simple and practical tips to improve communication with your child through short videos:

Acknowledge and Encourage:

  • Praise and encourage your child’s positive behavior and achievements.
  • Acknowledging their efforts boosts their confidence and strengthens your bond.

Mirror and Describe:

  • Imitate and describe your child’s actions and expressions. This not only shows your involvement but also helps them understand and express themselves.

Express Interest:

  • Show genuine interest and curiosity in your child’s interests and hobbies. Engage in conversations about what they enjoy, creating a positive environment for communication.

Ask Open-Ended Questions:

  • Encourage conversation by asking open-ended questions. This invites your child to share more about their experiences, thoughts, and feelings.

Empathy and Validation:

  • Empathize with and validate your child’s emotions. Understanding their feelings helps build trust and lets them know you care about their well-being.

Teach Through Communication:

  • Take advantage of communication to teach your child new words and concepts. This enhances their vocabulary and promotes a love for learning.

Conflict Resolution:

  • Use effective communication to resolve conflicts and problems peacefully. Encourage open dialogue to find solutions together.

For practical insights into improving communication with your child, check out the short video titled “Play Time: Communicating with Your Child” by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This video showcases a father enhancing his communication skills with his daughter during playtime, incorporating praise, imitation, description, and active listening to make the experience more enjoyable for both.

By incorporating these tips and learning from informative videos, you can create a positive and nurturing communication environment with your child. Short video parenting tips provide valuable insights in a concise and accessible format, helping you build a strong connection with your child. You can watch the video here.

2. Short Video Parenting Tips – Creating Structure and Rules

To help your child thrive, it’s important to establish structure and rules. Here’s why they matter and how to implement them:

  • Clear Expectations: Structure and rules provide a roadmap for your child. They know what to expect and understand what is expected of them.
  • Routine and Order: These elements contribute to a sense of order and routine in your child’s life. Predictability helps them feel secure and comfortable.
  • Self-Control and Responsibility: Through structure, children learn self-control and responsibility. They understand the consequences of their actions and develop a sense of accountability.
  • Following Directions: Rules guide your child on how to behave and follow directions. This sets the groundwork for cooperation and positive behavior.
  • Avoiding Confusion: A structured environment minimizes confusion and chaos. It provides clarity, making it easier for your child to navigate daily activities.

A fantastic resource for learning about creating structure and rules is the short video titled “Charts & Graphs: Creating Structure and Rules” by the CDC. In this video, a mom discovers how to simplify and organize rules for her 2-year-old. The video highlights the use of family routines, visual aids, and positive reinforcement to make the day smoother for her son. Check it out for practical insights into fostering a positive and structured environment for your child. You can watch the video here.

3. Short Video Parenting Tips – Giving Directions

Guiding your child through various tasks is a crucial aspect of parenting. It aids them in:

  • Learning new skills
  • Completing chores and assignments
  • Following safety rules
  • Achieving goals

Despite its importance, giving directions can be tricky, especially if your child isn’t attentive. For effective communication, consider the following steps:

  • Capture Attention: Ensure your child is focused and make eye contact.
  • Use a Calm Voice: Speak in a calm and clear manner.
  • Be Specific: Clearly state what you want your child to do.
  • One Direction at a Time: Avoid overwhelming them with multiple instructions.
  • Positive Framing: Focus on what you want them to do, not what you don’t want.
  • Repetition: Repeat or rephrase if needed.
  • Encourage and Reward: Praise or reward your child for following directions.

For practical insights, watch the video “You Know What I Mean? Giving Directions” by the CDC. This video illustrates a mother’s journey in improving her communication with her son. It highlights the importance of avoiding vague or negative instructions, opting instead for positive, simple, and single directions. You can watch the video here.

4. Using Discipline and Consequences

Disciplining your child and setting consequences play a crucial role in guiding them toward right behavior and correcting any missteps. These practices serve several purposes in your child’s development:

  • Learning from Mistakes: Discipline and consequences help your child learn from their mistakes, fostering improvement in their behavior.
  • Understanding Actions: They allow your child to grasp the impact and consequences of their actions, promoting awareness.
  • Respecting Rules: Discipline instills respect for rules and boundaries, establishing essential foundations.
  • Building Character: It aids in the development of moral values and character, shaping a well-rounded individual.

While these aspects are essential, implementing discipline and consequences can be challenging. It’s crucial to steer away from harsh, inconsistent, or ineffective methods. Opt for constructive and positive approaches by following these steps:

  • Stay Calm and Consistent: Maintain a calm demeanor and consistency in your approach.
  • Explain Reasons: Clearly articulate the reasons behind the discipline and the resulting consequences for misbehavior.
  • Natural or Logical Consequences: Utilize consequences that are naturally linked to the misbehavior, making the learning experience more effective.
  • Avoid Negative Tactics: Steer clear of physical or verbal punishment, threats, or bribes, as these may hinder the desired outcomes.
  • Focus on Behavior: Direct your attention to the behavior itself rather than labeling or criticizing the child.
  • Encourage Decision-Making: Allow your child to make choices and learn from them, fostering a sense of responsibility.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Acknowledge and reward good behavior through praise, creating a positive environment.

For practical insights into applying discipline and consequences, consider watching the video titled “Sippy Cup: Using Discipline and Consequences” by the CDC. This video illustrates a mother effectively addressing her daughter’s behavior of throwing a sippy cup, demonstrating the use of natural consequences, choices, and praise to curb unwanted actions. You can watch the video here.

5. Using Time-out

Disciplining your child doesn’t have to be complicated. One effective method is using a time-out. This means taking your child away from a situation where they’re misbehaving and putting them in a quiet, boring place for a short time. Here’s how it helps your child:

  • Calm Down: It gives them a moment to calm down and control their emotions.
  • Reflect: They can think about their behavior and its consequences.
  • Learn: Misbehavior leads to unpleasant outcomes.
  • Prepare: It readies them to rejoin the activity.

But, using time-out isn’t always a walk in the park. Some kids might resist or cry. To make it work, follow these simple steps:

  • Choose a Good Spot: Find a safe, quiet, and boring place for the time-out.
  • Set Clear Rules: Make sure your child knows why they’re in time-out.
  • Use a Timer: Clearly indicate how long the time-out will last.
  • Ignore Protests: Don’t give in to protests, pleas, or tantrums during time-out.
  • End Promptly: Finish the time-out when it’s supposed to end or when your child is calm.
  • Praise or Hug: Appreciate your child for completing the time-out.
  • Resume Activity: Go back to the regular activity or situation.

If you want a visual guide, check out the short video titled “She Knows: Using Time-Out” by the CDC. In this video, a mom learns how to use time-out effectively for her daughter who tries to escape. It covers choosing a better time-out spot, using a timer, and handling protests.  You can watch the video here.

6. Love the Kid You Have

Parenting becomes a whole lot easier when you focus on the key ingredient: love. Short video parenting tips emphasize that love is crucial because it helps your child in various ways:

Feel Secure and Confident:

  • Love creates a sense of security and confidence in your child.

Develop a Positive Self-Image and Self-Esteem:

  • Unconditional love contributes to a positive self-image and boosts self-esteem.

Form Healthy and Lasting Relationships:

  • Children who experience love tend to build healthy and lasting relationships.

Grow and Thrive Physically, Mentally, and Emotionally:

  • Love supports your child’s overall growth—physically, mentally, and emotionally.

While love is powerful, it can also be a bit tricky. Especially when your expectations differ from who your child truly is. Here are some simple steps to love your child unconditionally:

Accept and Appreciate Them:

  • Love your child for who they are, not who you want them to be.

Celebrate Strengths and Talents:

  • Focus on your child’s strengths and talents without comparing them to others.

Support Interests and Passions:

  • Encourage and support your child’s interests and passions, rather than imposing your own.

Respect Feelings and Opinions:

  • Show respect for your child’s feelings and opinions; avoid being judgmental or critical.

Encourage Growth and Learning:

  • Foster an environment that encourages your child’s growth and learning, without limiting or pressuring them.

For practical insights on unconditional love, check out the video “Love the Kid You Have” by Glennon Doyle. In this TEDx talk, the bestselling author and activist shares her personal journey of learning to love her son for who he is, not who she expected him to be. The video provides valuable tips on how to embrace unconditional love in your parenting journey. You can watch the video here.

7. The Wholehearted Parenting Manifesto

Parenting is all about both what you do for your child and who you are as a person. It’s like a journey where you discover more about yourself, grow, and change. Here are some simple tips for being a great parent:

  • Be Yourself: Show your true self and be open about your feelings.
  • Be Brave and Kind: Face challenges with courage and show kindness to others.
  • Stay Present: Be mindful of the moment and appreciate what you have.
  • Stay Positive: Keep hope alive and bounce back from tough times.
  • Show Generosity: Be kind and generous to those around you.

A fantastic video to boost your parenting skills is “The Wholehearted Parenting Manifesto” by Brené Brown. She’s a well-known researcher and speaker on courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy. Check out this short, animated video that brings her powerful parenting tips to life. Watch it. 


Parenting is a rewarding and fulfilling experience, but it can also be stressful and overwhelming at times. That’s why it’s important to seek help and guidance from reliable and helpful sources, such as short videos that offer practical and inspirational advice on parenting.

We hope that these 7 short video parenting tips will make you a better parent, and help you enjoy your parenting journey more. Remember, you are not alone, and you are doing a great job. Happy parenting!

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