7 Tips for Making Great Short Video Explainer Videos Easily

Short Video Explainer Videos, or those quick clips that break down a product, service, or idea, are the go-to for businesses and groups looking to get their point across in a snappy and engaging way. These bite-sized explainers pack a punch in marketing, but nailing them requires some thoughtful game planning. Check out these seven tips to whip up short video explainer videos that grab attention and get the job done.

Short Video Explainer Videos

1. Know Your Mission and Audience for your Short Video Explainer Videos

Before you dive into creating your short video explainer videos, figure out your end goal and who you’re talking to. What’s the key message or perk you’re pushing? What puzzle are you solving or itch are you scratching? Pin down your dream customers or users. What bugs them, what gets them moving, and what floats their boat? The clearer you are on your mission and audience, the easier it is to make a video that clicks with your target market.

Also read: Short Videos: How to Create and Enjoy Them

2. Craft a Snappy Short Video Explainer Videos Script

The script is the backbone of your explainer. Keep it short, snappy, and crystal clear. Aim for under two minutes in total, with your script clocking in at fewer than 300 words. Here’s a quick script structure to roll with:

    • Start with a Hook: Grab your audience’s attention with a jaw-dropping fact, a juicy question, a head-scratching problem, or a story that ties into your theme.
    • Intro Your Fix: Lay out what your product, service, or idea is and how it does its thing. Shine a light on the features and perks that make it stand out.
    • Tackle Doubts: Predict and handle any doubts, questions, or worries your audience might have. Toss in proof, shoutouts, or guarantees to back up your claims and build trust.
    • Wrap it Up with a Call to Action: Spell out what you want your audience to do next. Whether it’s hitting up your website, snagging a free trial, or buying your product, make sure you give a rock-solid reason to jump into action.

3. Choose a suitable style and tone for your Short Video Explainer Videos

When it comes to Short Video Explainer Videos, nailing the right vibe is key. Your video’s style and tone should sync up with your brand, goals, and audience. There’s a buffet of options out there, so pick the one that aligns with your purpose and message:

  1. Animated Awesomeness:

Animated videos are like the superheroes of simplification. They use graphics, illustrations, or characters to break down complex ideas. Need to add a dash of humor or emotion? Animated videos got you covered. Plus, they’re pros at creating a visual identity that sticks.

  1. Real-world Realness:

Live-action videos bring the real deal to the table. Real people, places, or objects showcase your product, service, or idea. Perfect for highlighting the human side, showing real-world impact, or forging a personal connection with your audience.

  1. Screen-Capture Wizardry:

Screen-capture videos get hands-on with your software, app, or website. Using screenshots or recordings of your computer screen, they offer a step-by-step tutorial or a flashy demonstration of your product’s bells and whistles.

But hold up, the tone of your Short Video Explainer Video needs its own spotlight. Let it groove with your brand personality, goals, and audience vibes. Mix and match elements like voice, music, sound effects, colors, fonts, and transitions to whip up a tone that’s just right. Picture this:

  • Go for a chatty, friendly voice.
  • Spice things up with upbeat, energetic tunes.
  • Splash around some bright, cheerful colors.
  • Keep it smooth and snappy with transitions that’ll keep folks hooked.

Also read: 7 Benefits of Short Video Educational Videos for Great Online Learning

4. Use visuals and audio that support your message

Short Video Explainer Videos

Make sure your short video explainer videos pack a punch by syncing up visuals and audio to drive home your message. Don’t let them distract or confuse – use them to make your key points crystal clear and unforgettable. Check out these tips for nailing the visual and audio game:

  • Visual Appeal: Keep it relevant, clear, and downright attractive. Steer clear of overloading your video with too many or overly complex visuals that might either overwhelm or bore your audience. Stick to visuals that drive your message home, highlight your benefits, or tug at the heartstrings.
  • Crystal Clear Audio: Your audio should be as crisp as a freshly picked apple – clear, audible, and on point. Avoid the extremes – not too loud or too quiet, not too fast or too slow, and definitely not too monotone or too all over the place. Make sure your audio matches your tone, reinforces your message, or stirs up the emotions.
  • Smooth Transitions: Keep the flow going with transitions that are as smooth as butter. Say no to transitions that are jarringly abrupt, too flashy, or just plain dull. Aim for transitions that tie your scenes together, gently guide your audience, and keep the whole thing flowing seamlessly.

Crafting killer short video explainer videos is an art, and getting your visuals and audio in sync is the secret sauce. Follow these tips, and you’ll have your audience hooked from start to finish.

5. Test and optimize your video

Once you’ve whipped up your short video explainer videos, it’s time to put it through the wringer and make sure it hits the bullseye with your crowd. Get feedback from your buds, colleagues, or potential customers by asking them straight-up questions. What did they dig or not dig about the video? What stuck in their brains afterward? Did it make them wanna do something? Take their thoughts to heart and tweak your video for maximum impact.

Don’t forget the number crunching. Use tools like Google Analytics, YouTube Analytics, or Wistia to check how your video is performing. See how many eyeballs it’s grabbing, how long they’re sticking around, and if they’re clicking that call-to-action button. Keep tabs on how many people are jumping on board and buying your stuff. Crunch these numbers to fine-tune your video and dial up its success.

6. Distribute and promote your Short Video Explainer Videos

Once your Short Video Explainer Videos is dialed in and slick, it’s time to get that bad boy out there for the world to see. Don’t worry, we’ve got the lowdown on how to push it to the right peeps and hit your goals. Check it out:

Your Website:

Slap that short video explainer videos right on your website – toss it on the homepage, landing page, or product page for max impact. Just make sure it’s in their face, easy to find, and plays nice on all devices. Spice it up with a killer title, an eye-grabbing thumbnail, and a clear “do this now” to hook your visitors into hitting play.

Social Media:

Blast that bad boy on your social turf – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn – wherever your peeps hang out. Tailor it for each platform, you know, right size, format, and keep it snappy. Toss in some hashtags, tags, or mentions to broaden your reach. And hey, tell your crew to hit that like, comment, share, or subscribe button for good vibes.


Slide that vid right into your email game – newsletters, promos, follow-ups, you name it. Make sure it plays nice with Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail – all those email hotspots. Craft a killer subject line, a sneak peek that screams “open me,” and a straightforward call to action. Get those peepers on your email and hit play, baby.

7. Evaluate and improve your video

Alright, so you’ve gotta check and tweak your short video explainer videos to make sure they’re hitting the mark with your crowd. There are a bunch of ways to do this, like:

  • Surveys: Get the lowdown from your customers, users, or leads. Throw some questions at them, like: How’d you come across our video? Did it sway your decision or how you act? On a scale from meh to awesome, how happy are you with our video? Any tips to jazz it up? Take their answers and use them to give your video a boost.
  • A/B Testing: Mix things up with different versions of your video. Tweak the headline, script, style, tone, visuals, audio, transitions, and the call to action – you name it. Use a tool like Optimizely, VWO, or Unbounce to run tests and figure out what’s working best. Then, use that intel to amp up your video game and make it more kick-ass.


Short Video Explainer Videos, or those quick clips that break down stuff in a simple and interesting way, are pretty rad. They’re not just cool for showing off your product, service, or big idea—they’re like secret weapons in marketing. But, you gotta be smart about it. Check out these seven tips to nail your short video explainer videos and get results. Don’t forget to:

  • Figure out what you want and who you’re talking to.
  • Write a script that’s short, sweet, and grabs attention.
  • Pick a style and vibe that fits the vibe you’re going for.
  • Throw in visuals and sounds that back up what you’re saying.
  • Test and tweak your video till it’s perfect.
  • Share that video everywhere and anywhere.
  • Look back at it, see what worked, and make it even better.

Hope these tips help you out. Got questions or thoughts? Hit me up!


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