7 Tips to Make Awesome Short Video Gaming Tips

Creating killer short video gaming tips is a rad way to spill your gaming wisdom, skills, and passion to your fellow gamers. Plus, it’s the key to boosting your online game, pulling in more followers, and turning your content into cash. But how do you whip up short video gaming tips that shine bright and bag more views, likes, and comments? Check out these seven tips to help you whip up awesome short video gaming tips.

Short Video Gaming Tips

Craft a Killer Title and Thumbnail for your Short Video Gaming Tips

The first thing your potential audience peeps is your title and thumbnail. These are the game-changers that decide if someone’s clicking on your vid. Make ’em catchy, relevant, and downright appealing.

    • Use a number, question, or keyword to spark curiosity.
    • Keep the language clear and simple, getting straight to the point.
    • Grab high-quality pics related to your gaming genre.
    • Make that thumbnail pop with contrast, colors, and text.

For instance, a slick title and thumbnail for a Fortnite tip could be:

“Nail Every Solo Game in Fortnite (with a victory royale screen pic)”

“Top Gun Combo in Fortnite (showcasing two guns and a bold number 1)”

“Fortnite’s Hidden Gems (featuring a secret bunker or treasure chest pic)”

Also read: Short Videos: How to Create and Enjoy Them

Keep your Short Video Gaming Tips Short and Snappy

The sweet spot for a killer short video gaming tip is 15 seconds to 3 minutes. Anything longer and you might lose your audience to the next vid. Keep it short, sweet, and laser-focused on the crucial info.

    • Plan ahead with a script or outline.
    • Cut out the fluff – if it ain’t adding value, ditch it.
    • Use transitions, effects, and beats to keep it lively.
    • Clarify with voice-over, subtitles, or captions.

A quick Minecraft tip could be:

“Crafting a Nether Portal in Minecraft (voiced steps and a video demo)”

“Diamond Hunt in Minecraft (subtitled tips with video results)”

“Unbelievable Minecraft Tricks (captions with jaw-dropping tricks and a live demo)”

Also read: 7 Short Video Parenting Tips to Make You a Better Parent

Show Your Gaming Swagger

  • Make your short video gaming tips pop by flaunting your personality and passion. People dig authenticity and enthusiasm, so let it shine. Get peeps to connect with you, drop comments, and share your epic content.
    • Use your own voice and style for narration or commentary.
    • Express emotions and reactions – let the real you shine.
    • Toss in humor, jokes, or memes for that extra fun factor.
    • Showcase your skills and wins with your own gaming clips.

An Among Us tip with your flair could be:

“Spotting the Impostor in Among Us (with your voice, clues, and reactions)”

“Laugh Riot in Among Us (your jokes and commentary on the LOL moments)”

“Mastering Impostor Moves in Among Us (your clips of slick impostor plays)”

Deliver Value and Quality

  • The main gig of your short video gaming tips is to hook your viewers up with value and quality. Help them level up, learn the new stuff, or just have a blast. Double-check that your content is legit, on-point, and useful.
    • Research your topic – don’t drop knowledge bombs without backup.
    • Pick a topic buzzing in your audience – keep it real and relatable.
    • Hand out clear and practical tips they can actually use.
    • Back it up with examples, evidence, or proof.

A Call of Duty tip could roll like:

“Rack Up Kills in Call of Duty (backed by your weapon, perks, and strategy data)”

“Call of Duty Updates and Gossip (your take on the latest features, modes, and maps)”

“Crack the Code: Easter Eggs in Call of Duty (step-by-step guide with pics to find and activate)”

Be Your Own Game-Changer

  • Stand out in the gaming tip crowd by being original and creative. Ditch the copy-paste routine and bring in fresh vibes with your own twist and style.
    • Share your unique insights and tips from your gaming POV.
    • Flaunt your skills – edit, animate, or add music your way.
    • Dream up your own ideas – challenges, experiments, or stories.
    • Add that special flair – humor, drama, or mystery.

An Animal Crossing tip could be:

“Island Paradise Hacks in Animal Crossing (your island design journey)”

“Create Custom Magic in Animal Crossing (your patterns and outfit creation skills)”

“Village BFFs in Animal Crossing (your bonding ideas and stories with neighbors)”

SEO Power-Up for your Short Video Gaming Tips

  • Don’t forget the SEO mojo – it’s the secret sauce to boost your short video gaming tips. Make sure your video’s ready to rock the search results, raking in more views and fans.
    • Dig into keywords with research tools – find the gems for your topic.
    • Slam that main keyword in your title, thumbnail, and early vid moments.
    • Sprinkle related keywords in tags, description, and subtitles.
    • Toss in hashtags, links, and calls to action for max engagement.

A Roblox tip could groove like:

Title: “Game Master: Create Your Game in Roblox”

Thumbnail: “Crafting Roblox Magic: Your Own Game!”

Video: “Hey gamers, diving into making your own game in Roblox today!” (with the main keyword upfront)

Tags: “Roblox,” “game creation,” “Roblox tutorial,” “game design tips,” etc. (plus related keywords)
Description: “Join me on this Roblox adventure as I spill the deets on game creation. Learn the basics, dive into Roblox Studio, add objects and scripts, and take your game live. Watch till the end to level up your game. Like, comment, subscribe, and share the gaming love! “

Social Media Showtime

  • Give your short video gaming tips a major shoutout on social media. Spread the word, snag more views, and build your gaming empire. Hit up platforms like YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for max impact.
    • Choose the right platform for your content – quality matters.
    • Drop catchy captions, hashtags, and tags for more eyes.
    • Chat up your followers and fellow creators – engage and grow.
    • Collab with gamers and influencers – boost each other’s game.
  • A League of Legends tip could roll out like:
    • YouTube: Full video drop with a killer title, thumbnail, tags, and description. Toss in end screens and cards linking to other epic vids.
    • TikTok: Snappy version with a catchy caption and hashtags, plus a link to the full YouTube magic.
    • Instagram: Post a teaser clip with a catchy caption and hashtags. Stick a link to your full video in your bio or story.
    • Facebook: Share the video or toss out that YouTube link with a catchy caption. Tag friends or groups who’d be all over your gaming wisdom.
    • Twitter: Drop a clip or pic with a catchy caption and hashtags. Tag or retweet other gamers and influencers who’d vibe with your vid.


Cooking up short video gaming tips is your ticket to sharing the gaming love and knowledge with the gaming community. It’s not just about playing the game; it’s about connecting, entertaining, and leaving a lasting impression. But nailing awesome and successful short video gaming tips requires some strategic moves. Follow these seven tips, and you’ll be leveling up your content game in no time. Happy gaming and happy creating!

Remember, the gaming world is dynamic, and trends shift faster than a character dodging bullets. Stay on your toes, adapt, and keep the creativity flowing. Your unique style and insights are your power-ups, so don’t be afraid to show them off.

Finally, always be in sync with your audience. Engage with comments, take feedback seriously, and build a community around your passion. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or a newbie, everyone loves good gaming tips. So, share your hacks, celebrate your wins, and let the gaming love spread.

Now go out there, create killer content, and become the gaming legend you were destined to be. May your views be high, your likes abundant, and your comments overflowing with praise. Game on!

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